The Ins and Outs of California Family Law Attorney Fees

You may need a California family attorney for any number of issues such as divorce, child custody and visitation, premarital or postmarital agreements, child support or spousal support. All of these issues are already fraught with anxiety, so you don’t need uncertainty about attorney fees to add to your worries. To help you communicate with…

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How to Get a Green Card Through Consular Processing

You can apply for permanent US residency (a green card) either when you are in the United States or in your home country. If you apply while outside the United States, the application will be handled primarily by the US embassy or consulate closest to you. This is called consular processing. With consular processing you…

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How to Establish Legal Parentage or Paternity in California

Legal Parentage - An image of a client discussing parentage with his lawyer and a gavel beside him - Ghazi Law Group

California law presumes that when married people or registered domestic partners have a child, the spouses or partners are the child’s parents. There is no need to do anything to establish legal parentage. But if the parents were not married or in a registered domestic partnership when the mother became pregnant or when the child…

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